19th - 28th
September 2025

Walking Gradings & Categories

This Year's Walks Programme

Our walks should provide something for everyone, but since your enjoyment and safety are paramount, please note that walk routes may be subject to change by the Leader on the day taking account of weather conditions or conditions underfoot. Only in the most adverse conditions will the walk be cancelled.

Please note - In the interests of other walkers, wildlife and livestock, dogs are not allowed on any festival walks.

All our walks are led by unpaid volunteers who provide their time for the pleasure of passing on their love and knowledge of our wonderful countryside.

Walk Categories:

"W" Walks

The main daytime walking programme which explores the Northern Dales and Pennines. Generally there are three walks each day of varying length from 6 to 14 miles. A summary and grade is provided for each walk on the website and in our brochure.

"H" Walks

These shorter walks are part of the national Ramblers Wellbeing Walks programme. They offer an easier option, and would also be suitable perhaps for less active partners and children of regular walkers on the main programme. These walks are free and there is no need to book. You can just turn up 10 minutes before the start. For further information contact the Wellbeing Walks team on 07935 541998 or email rww.ny.richmondshire@btinternet.com

"T" Walks

These are themed guided walking tours in and around Richmond town, generally with an historic or artistic interest. Your guide will pass on their specialist knowledge of the history, architecture or artistic heritage of our lovely town. Please refer to individual events for booking arrangements and joining instructions.

Walk Gradings for "W" Category Walks:

Owing to the nature of the Dales landscape most walks are considered of moderate grading and should be no problem to the fairly fit, normal weekend rambler. Please be aware: There are no flat walks in the Yorkshire Dales. All walks will have some gradients as well as the usual country walking features, such as tracks which can be rough, muddy and un-even, and field paths with stiles and livestock. Some of our walks, however, are only suitable for fit, experienced walkers because of the distance and terrain covered.

To assist you in choosing the right walk for you we have graded each of the "W" walks in the main walking programme and included an approximate distance, based on measurements taken from the OS Map. In general, we do not give timings for walks. These will be dependent on the ability of the members of the party, the weather and conditions underfoot, and we will also be stopping on some walks to look at particular points of interest. Please be aware of this when considering if you have any time constraints on a walk day.

Easy: For those who walk in the countryside only occasionally, mainly shorter distances with generally gentle gradients.

Moderate: For those of average fitness used to regular country walks involving longer distances. All these walks are likely to include some steeper inclines and/or descents, and uneven terrain.

Hard: The longest walks with some sustained or repeated climbs and steep descents which should only be attempted by those who are physically fit, well equipped, and who have regular experience of the type of terrain involved. Please note that all our high level walks will by their nature sometimes cross open country, off recognised paths, and across boggy ground.

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